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What Pisses Me Off

Since the old page was deleted I thought it was only right to make a new page. This probably won't be a sarcastic but it'll still be hopelessly angry.

Thing that piss me off:

1. Fat girls that listen to annoying music ("goth", "emo", or "hardcore"). - You don't stand for anything. Punk music wants political rights and Rap music is all about shooting people and big asses but these fatty Hot Topic wanna-be whores have no stance on anything. Oh yeah, suicide is for retards.

2. Cops - I think every one knows how the Tics feel about law enforcement.

3. Not being able to finish these rants before band practice. More to come.

Anger of the Week

I hate Wal-Mart. I think everyone does, but I may have actual reasons. They act like big coonglomerate assholes because they are big conglomerate assholes. Of course I don't like how they go into small poor-ass rural American towns and under-sell all the small businesses and drive them bankrupt only to jack-up their prices when they're the only store left in town, but that isn't what is annoying me today. If any of you fucks are on the Grant & Alvernon side of town then you've probably seen this new corporate attempt at control both our wallets and our minds. There is a new store being called "Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market". Yes, this is a corporate Wal-Mart store but it's been camoflagued so that the un-trained eye sees it as a local nieghborhood store. What these corporate bastards are trying to do is make Wal-Mart seem less like a franchise disease taking over our country and more like a local mom and pop store just trying to make a hard-earned dollar (which is true since these rich fuckers will do anything for a buck). This store doesn't have the Wal-Mart colors (green and white instead of red, white, blue and yellow), doesn't have the drugged-out viagra people in the front of the store, is a smaller warehouse than usual (the old IGA building) and doesn't have that bitch-ass annoying smile fucker yellow thing. Yes, prices are the same but it looks like a vegan store (how all vegan stores look, earth colors and "friendly signs"). Maybe there is nothing wrong with this store, with corporate America's annoying attempts to convert us all into good Christian Red-state Bush-loving robots, but by some miracle it pisses me off. I have an dea. Don't buy there. Hell, don't buy shit at any Wal-Marts (Mal-Warts). But don't live your life in a fucking box. Think for yourself.

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